How have the Jewish people survived for thousands of years? Dr. Jeffrey Rudikoff pondered this question 55 years ago after his first child was born. “With a tiny minority dispersed throughout the world, Judaism should have vanished, but it never did…we always found an answer to events that threatened our existence,” says Dr. Rudikoff, who now has five children. “There is something about the Jewish story that is valuable…and worth understanding.”

To pass on his passion for Jewish religion and history, Dr. Rudikoff established The Jeffrey Rudikoff Jewish History Fund, an endowment fund at the Foundation that supports classes on Jewish history and the origins of the Torah at his synagogue, Congregation Beth Israel.

“Thanks to Dr. Rudikoff’s generosity and insight, children and adults now and always shall be able to grapple with our texts, study our story, and be inspired to make a difference in our world,” says Rabbi Michael Pincus of Congregation Beth Israel.