Planting for Our Future:

The Foundation’s Legacy Society

Our Legacy Society, which includes LIFE & LEGACY donors, honors those who have promised to support the vibrancy of Greater Hartford’s Jewish community forever through a future gift in their will, trust, retirement account or life insurance policy.

We are inspired by the vision of our generous donors. And, we are proud to help them pass on their values and leave their legacy.

Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford Legacy Society

* Life & Legacy donor
(z”l) of blessed memory


Anonymous (66)*
Sig Abeles*
Dianne Aborn*
Marla and Peter Adelsberger*
Charles Alpert
Judge Arnold and Hermia Aronson*
Scott and Amanda Aronson*
Pamela Krist Atwood*
Becky and Jeffrey Azia*


David and Arlyn Bamberger*
Dr. and Mrs. John Baron and Family*

Nita Barrabee
David Basile*
Max and Marisa Beede*
Lee Ann and Claudio Benadiva*
Lauren and Ross Benthien*
Rabbi Jonathan and Laura Berger*
Robin S. Bergman*
Lois and Alan Berkowitz*
Donna Berman
Elizabeth and Arnold Berman*
Garry and Marianne Berman*
Irene Berman*
Lisa and Evan Berman*
Marion Judith Berman (z”l)*
Robert and Lisa Berman
Barnett and Wilma Black*
Lenore Blank
Barbara and Jack Blechner*
Louis B. Blumenfeld*
Frances Blumenthal*
Debra L. Bogatz*
Sherwin and Ruth Borsuk
Sandra and Robert M. Bourke*
Mark and Michelle Boxer
Michael and Margaret Braddon*
Miriam and Rabbi Tuvia Brander*
Ann and David Brandwein*
Meryl Braunstein
Howard A. Breinan*
Gilda Brock
Z. Riki and James Brodey*
Harriet Bunis (z”l)*
Gary Bykoff*


Eleanor N. Caplan
Alan and Shelley Cetel*
Leon and Jean Chameides
Kim and David Charron*
The Sandra and Arnold Chase Family Foundation*
Steven and Leah Chatinover
Edward G. Chestler
Marlene and Martin Chorches*
Emily Cobbs*
Adam P. Cohen*
Fern and Joel Cohen*
Dr. Jennifer Madan Cohen and Dr. Jeffrey P. Cohen*
Judith and Michael Cohen*
Margaret Cohen
Michael and Naomi Cohen
Doreen A. Cohn*
Lisa and Todd Cooperman*
Dr. Claudia Coplein, Alexandra and Noah Stanton*
Michael J. Croll*
Harriet Cutler*


John and Anne Danaher
Harry and Diane Davidson*
Siegfried and Andrea deHaas
Thomas and Donna Divine
Elliott and Elissa Donn*
Karen Donn*
Lauren and Brad Drazen*
Renee Dubin

Jill and Rob Dulitsky*


Marc Edrich and Mara Whitman
Sharon and Bob Efron*
Leonard and Vicki Eisenfeld
Michael and Anna Elfenbaum*
Angela Epstein*


Jacob Farber*
Richard B. and Amy D. Fechtor*
Fenmore Feigenbaum
Ira and Deborah Feigenbaum
Barry and Clare Feldman
Joshua and Jillian Feldman*
Andrew and Susan Feller*
Stanley and Susan Fellman
David and Rochelle Fierston
Roy and Risa Filkoff*
Daniel and Joan Fine
Bruce and Debra Fischman
Hedyth Fishman
Ruth “Tutti” Fishman
Kathy and Ron Fishman*
Lisa and Peter Fishman*
Robert and Susan Fishman
Sandra M. Flaxman (z”l)*
Karl and Muriel Fleischmann
Sheila Fox
Madelene and Jim Francese*
Bob and Barbara Friedman*
Helena Friedman and Jeff Kamenetz*
Stephen and Victoria Fuchs


Jessie and Jason Gagnon*
Denis Geary (z”l) and Faith VosWinkel
Barry and Rona Gelber
Beth Gerber
Shirley Gerrol
Jay and Nancy Gershman*
Zane Gershman
Adelle Gersten
Sue Gillen*
Carolyn Gitlin
Janice Glass
Richard and Debbie Glassman
Rabbi Jeff and Mindy Glickman*
Scott and Marcia Glickman
Barry and Jill Goldberg*
Karen and Gerald Goldberg*
Loel and Ruth Goldblatt*
Robert B. and Francine L. Goldfarb*
William and Maureen Goldfarb
Shirley Goldman
Shelly Goldman Black
Rona Gollob*
Kathryn Gonnerman*
Shanna and Joshua Gottfried*
Lori Gottlieb*
Elysa L. Graber-Lipperman*
John and Norma Green
Louis and Nancy Green
Gary Greenberg*
Arthur and Zadelle Krasow Greenblatt*

Steven M. Greenspan*
Jeremy and Julie B. Greshin*


Yosi and Gretchen Haimes*
Morton Handel
Katie Hanley*
David and Merle Harris*
Richard and Alison Harris*
Robert and Evelyn Harris
Cantor Scott and Sharon Harris*
Renee Gladstein Harrison
Walter and Dianne Harrison*
April Haskell and Jerome Passman
Shelly and Christie Hausman*
Nicole and Stuart Herlands*
Ruth and Michael Herlands*
Dena and Matthew Hoberman*
Janice and Richard Hoff*
I. Bradley and Kathleen Hoffman
Barbara Honor
Adrienne and Sidney Hopfer*
Anna and Seth Huttner*


Jeff Israel*


Adele Jacobs and Michael Liebowitz*
B. Theodore (z”l) and Sheila H. Jacobs
David L. Jacobs*
Michael Jacobs*
Eva Jacobson*
Debra Javit*
Theodore Johnson*
Michael and Corinne Johnston
Gary and Jill Jones
Gerald and Carol Joseloff
Damarre and Karlene Joseph*
Douglas Joseph


Jeffrey and Sunny Kagan
Ted Kaplan and Roberta Woronow*
Adam and Sarah Kaprove*
Amanda and Aaron Katzman*
Louise K. Kaufman
Roberta Albert Kaufman*
Seth and Blythe Kaufman*
Jason and Arielle Kay*
Annie and Steve Keith*
Robert Kennedy
Stephen and Tali Kest*
Paul Kilman*
David and Barbara Klau
Amy and Larry Klein*
Edward F. Kleinman
Joel and Naomi Kleinman
Steven and Deborah Kleinman*
William and Myra Kleinman*
Neil and Sharon Kochen*
Elisabeth Kostin and Doron Roth*
Michele and Dane Kostin*
Bernard and Gale Kosto
Lois and Chuck (z”l) Koteen*
Nancy A. Kramer*
David Kravet*
Abbey Kreinik
Jack and Alys Krichavsky
Allen and Judith Kronick*
David Kruger and Riva Lewinter*
Sophia Kruger*
Tom and Laurie Kyzivat*


John Lafalce and Allen Freshler
Cary and Beth Lakenbach
Robin and Jeffrey Landau*
Naomi and Julius Larman (z”l)*
Rebekka Laskowski*
Bill and Barb Lavine*
Rabbi Gary Lavit
Laurie Leader*
Gloria Lebetkin*
Barbara Lederer
Mark and Ellen Beth Lescher*
Ed Leshem*
Michael S. (z”l) and Carolyn W. Levine*
Susan Levine
Bonnie Hittleman-Lewis and Paul Lewis*
Scott Lewis
Arlen and Audrey Lichter
Jacob Liebowitz*
Roger and Jane Loeb
Sheri Lublin


Elana and Scott MacGilpin*
Susannah MacNeil
Todd and Jennifer Mailly
Fran Maltz*
Phil and Bobbi-Jo C. Maltz*
Philip and Rosemary Manaker*
Joyce and Andrew Mandell*
Laurie Mandell*
Merrill and Mark Mandell*
David and Gail Mangs
David Mathog
Deborah Mehlman*
Alan and Peggy Mendelson*
Mark and Michalee Merritt*
Michelle Meyer*
David and Lauri Miller
David and Terri Miller*
Donald and Regina Miller*
Barbara Mindell
Harriet Mindlin*
Jeffrey and Sue Morris
Ree Morrow*
Harold and Janet Moskowitz
Frederick S. Moss*


Robert and Alice Naboicheck
Arthur and Reba Nassau
Arlene M. Neiditz
Guy Neumann*
Jon O. Newman*
Leigh A. Newman and Gary Starr


Reesa Olins and Robert Teitelman*
Dr. Joseph A. Olzacki*


David and Barbara Palten*
Alan and Michele Parker
Jeremy and Ann Pava
Peikes Family*
Karen McAllister Perkus
Marla N. Perlstein*
Leonard Persky
Randi Piaker
Susan Matlin Piccone
Howard Pierce
Sherri G. Pliskin*
Deborah Kaplan Polivy
Lee and Natalie Pollock
Ian and Deb Polun*
Jarrod and Leah Post*
Robert and Lynn Preminger


Steve Rabb*
Frank and Judy Resnick*

Rodney and Janice Reynolds
Belle K. Ribicoff
Rick Robinson*
Arthur L. Rome*
Stacy and David Rome*
Bernard H. Rosen
Anja Rosenberg
Barbara J. and Alan P. Rosenberg*
Pia Rosenberg Toro
June Miller Rosenblatt (z”l)*
Sally Rosengren*
Judy and David Rosenthal*
Willa and Elliott (z”l) Rosenworcel*
Risé Roth
Robert and Nikki Roth
Deborah Rothstein
Harold and Marilyn Rothstein Family
Hannah Rubenstein and Dr. Fred Feibel*
Richard and Lea Rubenstein
Jonathan and Viviann Rubin*
Jeffrey Rudikoff
Marshall and Sandra Rulnick*
Gideon Rutenberg


Barbara Saccardo*
Gail Sack*

Robert Samuels
Evelyn Sandell (z”l)*
Ari and Erika Santiago*
Marlene Scharr
Andrew Schatz and Barbara Wolf
David and Karen Scheinerman*
Suzanne and John Schloss*
Ronald and Judith Schlossberg*
Bonnie and Eric Schneider*
Janet Schrager
Jacob Schreiber and Edna Levy*
Cathrine Fischer Schwartz
Freda Schwartz
Robert and Erika Schwartz*
Roy and Paula Schwartz*
Lorna Sedor*
Jaime and Mark Seltzer*
Gerard Selzer
Joan Hyde Shapiro*
Gale and Larry Shapiro*
Michael and Elaine Pearl Shapiro
Peggy and Ruben Shapiro*
Steven and Carrie Shaw
Richard and Sheila Shechtman*
Sharon Levine-Shein and Bruce Shein
Richard and Cyral Sheldon*

Susan Shimelman
The Shipman Family*
Ronit Shoham*
Herb Shook and Becky McCann*
James and Jane Shulman
Lois and Howard (z”l) Siegal*
Herb Siegel (z”l) and Helen Wong*
Jerome and Ann Siegel (z”l)*
Ronny and Al Siegel*
Isaac and Laurie Silverman*
Dr. Sheila R. Silverman*
Janis and Ronald Simon*
Ken and Pam Simon*
Melvin Simon*
Barbara Siskin
Michael Skott*
Hilda Slivka, MD, and Ralph Rosenberg, MD*
Rabbi David Small and Debbie Chameides*
Meredith and Stephen Smith*
Drs. Rosalie H. and Jay D. Smith (z”l)*
Tracy Smith and Dan Joseph*
Susan and Alan Solinsky*
Laura Soll-Broxterman*
Faith L. Solomon*
Ian Spence and Aileen Stan-Spence
Linda and Bruce Stanger*
Amy and Adam Steinberg*
Marilyn S. Steinmetz
Elsa Suisman
Kathryn Suisman
Marge Swaye*


Gayle and Steven Temkin*
Edee Tenser
Elliott and Carolyn Tertes
Daniel That*
Martin and Dorine Toyen
Karen and Alan Tuvin*


Phyllis and Sidney Ulreich*
Dr. Michael and Kathy Ungerleider*


Ruth Van Winkle
Barbara Vita*


Anne E. Wall
Libby and Ben Wallace*
Mark and Jane Walton
David and Sari Waren*
Hayley Wasser*
Jeffrey Wasser
David Weinberg*
Howard and Patti Weiner
Jeremy and Francene Weingast
Raymond and Gail Weinstein
Melissa and Randy Weinstock
Sally J. Weisman
Steven and Kay Weiss*
Lori and David Wetsman*
Dorothy Wetstone
William B. White, M.D.*
Edith Whitman*
Michael Wilder (z”l)*

Jeffrey and Marjorie Winnick
Rhonda and Richard Wirth*
Ellen Woodruff*
Daryl and Karen Worobow
Karen E. Wyckoff*


David and Andrea Yalof*
Robert Yass and Mary-Jane Eisen
Rose Yolen
Lori Yontef
Matt and Kimberly Youmans


Vivian and Ted Zablotsky*
Benjamin and Paige Zachs*
Henry M. Zachs
Jessica Zachs

Ms. Judith M. Zachs
Zoë Zachs*
Jane Zande and Jeff Smith
Chester and Gwen Zaslow*
Sandy Zieky*
Doreen Fundiller‑Zweig

For more information, please contact Michael Elfenbaum
melfenbaum at jcfhartford dot org | 860-523-7460