Steve & Debbie’s Wedding Supports Jewish Organizations

Discover How Their Celebration is Making a Lasting Impact

When Steve and Debbie Kleinman got married in 1997, they didn’t want gifts – they wanted to celebrate by helping others. The couple created a fund at the Jewish Community Foundation to help their favorite nonprofits thrive — forever — while hoping friends and family would contribute to this fund.

“We included this request in our wedding invitation,” says Steve. “We wanted to do something charitable and meaningful for our wedding that would have a lasting impact.” Adds Debbie, “Through the fund, we wanted our beliefs and values to live on.”

The Kleinmans celebrate each wedding anniversary by donating to their fund and continue to encourage gifts to the fund from family and friends. Twenty-five years later, their fund has helped local Jewish organizations including Voices of Hope, Jewish Historical Society and Jewish Family Services.

“Our giving depends on what’s happening in the world and what we are involved in, but our focus is always giving to people in need,” explains Debbie. “The Foundation gives us great advice,” adds Steve. “They understand our goals and support our passion for helping others.”

How Will Your Celebration Fund Make a Lasting Impact?

  • You can create a fund for your wedding or someone else’s wedding
  • Your fund will help you celebrate the special occasion while giving back to
    your community for generations
  • Our staff is always here to help you and your family!

Contact Michael Elfenbaum, melfenbaum at jcfhartford dot org, or 860-523-7460.