Board Directed Community Grants

 Giving is powerful: Impact of Our Community Grants

Board-directed community grants from the Foundation’s Unrestricted Funds support the long-term strength and vitality of the Greater Hartford Jewish community. The Foundation seeks unique opportunities to strategically invest in programs and services that might not be possible without the Foundation’s support. Here is the list of grant recipients for FY23.

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc.

Deliver humanitarian assistance to Ukrainian Jews and their neighbors impacted by the war with Russia

Beth David Synagogue

Provide enrichment programming

Chabad House of Greater Hartford

Support free community High Holiday Services

Congregation Kol Haverim

Provide engagement and retention programming

Congregation P’nai Or of Central Connecticut

Hire a guest rabbi for the High Holidays

Hartford Jewish Cemeteries Restoration Fund

Grant to endow the ongoing maintenance of historic Jewish cemeteries in Greater Hartford

Jewish Family Services of Greater Hartford

Engage in an assessment of the clinical services department to help increase capacity and revenue, streamline operations, and grow to meet evolving community needs

Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford

Provide scholarships to five senior professionals of local Jewish organizations to attend the Federation’s Mission to Israel

Joyce D. and Andrew J. Mandell Jewish Community Center

Support a consortium of Jewish organizations to offer a year-long series of community activities and events to celebrate Israel’s 75th birthday (grant organized by the JCC)

Jewish Association for Community Living

Support a strategic planning process to ensure a smooth transition to new professional leadership

Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford, Inc.

Create Jewish Hartford United, a community-wide planning initiative to help craft community priorities and a vision for the 21st century

Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford

Provide scholarships to five senior professionals of local Jewish organizations to attend the Federation’s Mission to Israel

Jewish Family Services of Greater Hartford

Engage in an assessment of the clinical services department to help increase capacity and revenue, streamline operations, and grow to meet evolving community needs

JTConnect — Antisemitism Conference for Teens and Parents

Support a community-wide workshop to teach students, parents and community members how to stand up against all forms of bigotry and hate

JTConnect — Teen Leadership Philanthropy Institute (TLPI)

Expand TLPI from one to three sites and double the number of students participating in the program annually

Mikveh Bess Israel of West Hartford

Support year three of a capacity-building grant enabling Mikveh Bess Israel to hire its first Executive Director

Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Hartford and New England Jewish Academy

Receive expert counsel from Gateways to help these schools identify what they need to expand inclusion and educate challenged learners

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.

Help fund a strategic plan, developed by “More Perfect,” to rapidly expand civic service opportunities for young adults across the United States and Hartford’s potential role in this initiative

Temple Beth Torah

Create security upgrades

Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Hartford

Engage a consultant to help create a 5-year strategic plan and to teach Board members the fundamentals of fundraising, to help the school grow and thrive

Temple Sinai

Support development of a strategic marketing plan

The Emanuel Synagogue

Invest in a project to enhance the synagogue’s courtyard and create more opportunities for the community to utilize the space

University of Connecticut and University of Hartford Hillel

Hire new associates to provide additional outreach and programming for their respective campuses

Young Israel of West Hartford

Support enhancements to website